28 February 2009

soundwave festival 09

SOUNDWAVE FESTIVAL 2009 - Bonython Park, Adelaide




22 February 2009

business updates - projected twin

Well it has been a while since I updated here with whats been happening of late. Apart from work keeping me very busy during the week (the ever changing aviation industry...and actually taking on some tasks this next two weeks that I have NEVER done before) I have put alot of time into business research and planning a new website that I hope to launch over the next six months. Whilst I have been keeping up with photography alot of my artistic concentration has been focused on brainstorming and working on the projected twin album art. The band heads into the studio during the month on March - I hope to take one week annual leave (and why not when i have over 20 paid annual leave days built up) at the end of that month so I can head into the studio for a day with them and take some in studio photos aswell as possibly some more promotional photography in the surrounding areas of the studio (which is located in the Adelaide Hills). With what time I have spare I hope to work on a few more high fashion/conceptual photo sessions for my portfolio and ofcourse I have flyers/handouts for finish designing for child portrait sessions (after writing this all down I have only just realised how much I have to work on in the coming months - scary). Its been almost two months since Christmas and I have happily and proudly saved $1400 which I am continuing on until I can decide where I want to travel to first. I had put this money aside with the intention on spending it on my car but i seem to have got out alot cheaper than I thought on mechanical issues. lucky me :) but really that all depends on whether I get the impulse to go and splurge out on a new camera. Expect some NEW photoshop multi-actions soon and possibly some texture sets if i get the time. If you use myspace, deviantart, flickr, modelmayhem or redbubble why not pop by mine (links are listed in the right sidebar) and introduce yourself or add me so I can see your portfolio :) am always happy to see new work.


13 February 2009

friday the thirteenth special edition double action set


Made especially for all you budding photographers and artists out there who like to add a little extra to their images in post process.

Download the file here:

Save it to your computer. Unzip to find all the contents you need to achieve the above look titled 'white magic' and 'wicca'.

The zip file contains instructions on how to install and use both actions. Usable with Photoshop 7 and up.

Thanking everyone for their continuing support. keep your eye out for a new website COMING SOON.

This set is copyright Renee Boyce
Please do not steal and redistribute as your own. Credit when you can so others can find this action to download.

12 February 2009

nine crimes

“Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms become manifest to him.” - Jalal ad-Din Rumi

07 February 2009

in orbit

I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down. ~Allen H. Neuharth

03 February 2009

cherished moments

some of my most cherished moments have included those of my niece and nephews and watching them all grow into some of the smartest children I have come across. Jared, the oldest (4 years old) has taught himself to upload photos from his digital camera onto the laptop and enhance them with borders and added graphics!! i was completely blown away especially when his mother (my older sister) had told me that she doesnt even know how to do it herself. A young Einstein. It has been a very hot week in South Australia, but after the sun started to lower yesterday we took my niece (3 and a half months old) outside to take some photos. This has become a regular thing to do when the youngins are around and I am very happy I decided to on this occassion:

01 February 2009

this is my symphony

"To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common, this is my symphony"