20 April 2009

10 of the greats from April 09

1. the Sebel Playford in Adelaide - stayed here for my birthday... soooooo beautiful (love to my man <3)

2. cowboy boots with a summer dress makes me happy :D

3 and 4. vintage shoes (mine) and classic books :)

5. wonderful little trinkets, charms and necklaces. Got this wonderful silver plated octopus for $12

6. knitted dresses <3 I bought an amazing electric blue one from a thrift shop for $4 (image is by www.curlytops.deviantart.com)

7. wall decals. I've got my eye on these at the moment. Am deciding to redecorate and I think this is on the hit list for sure. fairly cheap on ebay and plently of designs

8. these boxed shelving units... i have to have one. Why oh why does IKEA have to be flat pack products??

9. my man hiring out the Old Adelaide Gaol the night before my birthday for a very personal and private ghost tour... I have no idea how he managed to make this happen but it was a day I will never EVER forget =P

10. Being in love *swoons*


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