28 April 2009

tuesday loves

The Platinum Collection - David Bowie for $24.99

This gorgeous stationary set I found in the book store today for only $16.99.
The lovely artist is fiona hewitt. Isn't it just adorable :D I think I may use it in some scrapbooking.

27 April 2009


I got a girl and I call her Sunshine
Through the air she’s dancing in the light

I say hey Sunshine
Won’t be you be with me now and for all time

O so free cause she loves me Sunshine
Catch her laughing down by the water line

I say hey Sunshine
Won’t you be with me now and for all time
-Peter Salett

23 April 2009

little wonderment for a friend

well, not only have I been greatly inspired by EVERYTHING that surrounds me lately (books, love, driving, music, images, coffee etc etc) but I have also decided that I am going to delve into the more 'crafty' side to art and start making one of a kind scrapbooks of my art/photography/poetry all hand made with products I will either make myself or purchase from etsy.com
(which is the handmade store of the world wide web - CHECK IT OUT if you havent already)

I have already got hold of these wonderful little sets to get me started :D

I think the first one I make will be for a dear artist friend of mine - Miss Nora

She knows how much I cherish her vision, her thoughts, the way she writes and the way she sees things differently. Hopefully it will not take me very long :) I think a personal touch like this is always much more wonderful than just an email. I got the idea from my boyfriend who loves to write letters and I think that is truly remarkable that people still put that effort into communication, especially when technology can do it all for you.
I have never posted anything to Germany before so hopefully it will make it all the way there without getting lost.

Wish me luck

20 April 2009

10 of the greats from April 09

1. the Sebel Playford in Adelaide - stayed here for my birthday... soooooo beautiful (love to my man <3)

2. cowboy boots with a summer dress makes me happy :D

3 and 4. vintage shoes (mine) and classic books :)

5. wonderful little trinkets, charms and necklaces. Got this wonderful silver plated octopus for $12

6. knitted dresses <3 I bought an amazing electric blue one from a thrift shop for $4 (image is by www.curlytops.deviantart.com)

7. wall decals. I've got my eye on these at the moment. Am deciding to redecorate and I think this is on the hit list for sure. fairly cheap on ebay and plently of designs

8. these boxed shelving units... i have to have one. Why oh why does IKEA have to be flat pack products??

9. my man hiring out the Old Adelaide Gaol the night before my birthday for a very personal and private ghost tour... I have no idea how he managed to make this happen but it was a day I will never EVER forget =P

10. Being in love *swoons*

09 April 2009

-the nostalgia series-